262,000 suspicious mail items in 2021.   6,300 threats  —  are you prepared?

Download our Annual Mail Security report.

Intelligence Briefs

US incidents were heavily skewed towards drugs. International events revolve around political and criminal categories.

Intelligence Briefs

Threatening mail continued to rise in July 2021, continuing the trend of government leadership as the primary target.

Intelligence Briefs

June brought some interesting events that highlight the evolution of threats in the post-pandemic world.

Intelligence Briefs

As the world climbs out of the pandemic, mail threats have increased. Get the full report on mail security alert, May 2021.

Intelligence Briefs

White powder, extortion, coercion, and death threats — April 2021 saw a significant rise in threats targeting government agencies globally.

Intelligence Briefs

White powder, extortion, coercion, and death threats — March 2021 saw a significant rise in threats targeting government agencies globally.

Intelligence Briefs

Excerpt of mail threats incidents across the US in Feb, 2021. Use these threats to plan for the future of mail security.

Intelligence Briefs

Excerpt of mail threats incidents across the US in Jan, 2020. Use these threats to plan for the future of mail security.

Intelligence Briefs

The USPIS Dangerous Mail Investigations Unit responds to 10 dangerous mail incidents every day, on average. RaySecur CSO Will Plummer analyzes trends from the known

Intelligence Briefs, Webinars

Join RaySecur for an important expert panel discussion — State of Mail Security: 2021 Mail Security Incidents & Risk Analysis.