Mail Security Resources
Breaking news, best practices, webinars and more
WEBINAR: 5 Steps to Effective Enterprise-wide Mail Security This webinar highlights the importance of addressing mail security across the enterprise while outlining simple steps
Of significance was the increase in overall white powder, death and intimidation threat letters sent to political and religious leaders both in the US
In January 2022, the total number of mail security threats dropped from December but continued increasing government targeting.
RaySecur’s Chief Security Officer Will Plummer analyzes trends from known mail incidents in 2021. The objective of the report is to summarize key statistics
February’s mail threats rose both in total number and effectiveness in the attacks. International threats doubled what happened in January and with Canada
Join RaySecur for an important expert panel discussion — State of Mail Security: 2021 Mail Security Incidents & Risk Analysis.
In January 2022, the total number of mail security threats dropped from December but continued increasing government targeting.
RaySecur CSO Will Plummer analyzes mail security incidents and data trends of 2021. In this recorded webinar, Will Plummer provides an expert analysis and
“Benign” threat vectors — and why they’re often overlooked through the ESRM process. This expert panel discusses risks from “benign” threat vectors, why they’re